Ways Technology Can Increase Workplace Productivity

List of ways Technology Can Increase Workplace Productivity

Employers and managers are always looking for ways to increase productivity at the workplace. With every company being different, there is no clear way to increase workplace productivity.

However, technology is a common strategy that you can use to increase productivity. Technology has advanced over the years. In this post, let’s look at some ways we can use technology to increase productivity in the workplace. In this article I will highlight a list of ways Technology Can Increase Workplace Productivity.

List of ways technology Can Increase Workplace Productivity

  1. Use of Group Chats
  2. Teamwork is Promoted
  3. Simplifies Tasks
  4. Project Management is Flawless
  5. Automated Time Tracking
  6. Eliminate Manual File Sharing
  7. Remote Employee Onboarding
  8. Employee Self-Service
  9. Boosts Employee Engagement
  10. Enables Remote Working
  11. Secures Company Information
  12. Training Workers
  13. Customer Service
  14. Streamlines Payroll Process
  15. Inject Some Fun Stuff

Use of Group Chats

Communication is very important among team members in an organization. It is with efficient communication that team members can share information and knowledge.

Information technology has improved how people communicate. There is a development of tools that enable group chats. Group chats improve the efficiency of communication at work and hence improve the productivity of workers. Group chats eliminate the need for back and forth sending of emails. Also, for urgent questions, they get answered instantly without leaving room for missing mails.

Teamwork is Promoted

When your team collaborates in doing tasks, they become more productive. With technology, you can create avenues for your team to come together and discuss projects. Through coming together, they can also create something new or solve a problem.

This boosts teamwork and therefore improves productivity. Technological tools for collaborating can be accessed using different devices and in different locations. It enables your workers to hold virtual meetings whether working in the office or from home. Improved collaboration of workers boosts productivity in your organization.

Simplifies Tasks

In the workplace, there are tasks that consume few minutes and others that take longer. While you might not pay attention to time spent accomplishing simple tasks, these tasks add up over time. Technology helps to simplify these tasks and improve productivity.

This is done by minimizing the extra unnecessary steps taken to do these tasks. By doing this, your employees don’t get stressed to get things and done. To add, it saves them time and the need to bother a colleague to get information one needs.

Project Management is Flawless

For example, let’s say a big project is nearing its end in your company. Your workers are busy running around in a panic to accomplish things. Unfortunately, a team member takes on a task that is already being taken by another colleague without their knowledge. This creates confusion and time-wasting.

Such cases of poor project management can be eliminated using technology. When you apply technology, you use tools for managing projects. These tools help employees know who is working on what. They also outline deadlines and assign tasks on projects. This way, productivity is improved and maintained on a high level in your workplace.

Automated Time Tracking

Those times when time cards and timesheets were being used to track time are gone. Technology automates tracking time giving many benefits to productivity in your organization. One thing with automated time tracking, time theft is eliminated saving your company lost hours of productivity.

Another thing, you save time spent on manual audits and correcting time logs. Finally, you notice how your workers are allocating and spending time. This helps you maximize opportunities and identify productivity leaks. You plan projects better hence improving productivity.

Eliminate Manual File Sharing

Sharing files is a task done every day at work. Yet it can kill productivity in the workplace. It kills productivity if you have to wait for minutes or hours to receive a file that you need. Or, if you keep being interrupted by a colleague that needs a file from you.

With technological tools like Dropbox, you don’t have to share files manually. Tools for sharing files also make it easy to track history and changes that were made on a document. With these tools, productivity is enhanced.

Remote Employee Onboarding

Onboarding determines how the performance of a new hire evolves over time. During onboarding, a new worker familiarizes with your company values and policies and learns how to carry out their work. With remote working, it is complicated to maintain the same level of communication and feedback as in the office.

However, technology comes in to make remote onboarding as efficient as in the office. Technology creates a virtual office where a new hire can access information, resources and get help. You can also mentor their evolution. By doing this, remote onboarding of new workers is successful and hence remote worker productivity.

Employee Self-Service

You have to trust that your employees can do their tasks perfectly on their own under minimum supervision. Technology allows you to customize their self-service platforms.

Through these self-service portals, your employees can accomplish some tasks on their own without the help of colleagues. For example, instead of going for form at the HR personnel, they can access what they need at the portals and print the form themselves. This improves the efficiency of tasks for your workers in the workplace. The efficiency of tasks boosts the productivity of your overall company.

Enables Remote Working

Coronavirus pandemic forced many office workers to start working from home. Working from home has its benefits. It gives your workers more time and flexibility to work the way they want. This makes your workers happy and more engaged.

More engaged workers are productive and help your organization grow. However, without technology, remote working cannot work. Technology helps remote workers connect to the office and submit their progress on projects.

Boosts Employee Engagement

Engaged employees are more productive. The engagement of workers affects the output of work directly. Technology improves employee engagement through engagement tools. Employee engagement tools allow you to send surveys, receive anonymous feedback, and simplify team members’ recognition. Making your workers more engaged increases their productivity.

Secures Company Information

A data breach can affect your organization negatively. When such a problem occurs, time is wasted on resolving it. There are risks of security threats when you are using different devices. With more people working remotely, technology has improved online security.

However, you should train your team on how to keep their information safe. This is by using strong passwords, updating software and devices, and using VPN service. This way, you don’t waste time fixing issues to do with security. You enable them to direct their time doing productive tasks.

Training Workers

Training your workers as early as possible help keep them productive at work. Start training your workers as early as during onboarding. Technology helps you select courses for your workers according to their profession and abilities.

You also use software to assign courses and time for training to your workers. By doing this, you ensure your workers can do more challenging tasks. Increasing their knowledge also increases the productivity of the company. 

Streamlines Payroll Process

Preparing payroll is not easy. It is tedious, time-consuming, and if done manually prone to errors. When preparing payroll, you have to consider labor laws, taxes, benefits, and more.

With technology, all these payroll processes are streamlined. Technology helps you account for the hours an employee worked automatically. This way, you also boost the morale of workers as they are confident of your payroll process.

Customer Service

Technology helps you link customer relationship management tools to your employees’ devices. This gives your employees easy access to customer information.

On the other hand, it also increases customer satisfaction as customers wait for less time to be served. The more an employee knows about a customer, the better service he or she can offer that customer. This increases productivity and makes your customers happier.

Inject Some Fun Stuff

Integrating fun in the workplace increases the productivity of your worker and reduces stress. Companies that include fun in the workplace create greater job satisfaction and increase the loyalty of workers. For example, you can include a few minutes of listening to music or watching fun videos. Fun in the workplace increases the productivity of the overall organization.

There are many ways in which you can use technology to increase productivity in your organization. The best thing about technology is that it doesn’t require a huge cost to apply considering the benefits it brings to your organization.           

List of ways technology Can Increase Workplace Productivity

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List of ways technology Can Increase Workplace Productivity

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List of ways technology Can Increase Workplace Productivity

List of ways technology Can Increase Workplace Productivity

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List of ways technology Can Increase Workplace Productivity

List of ways technology Can Increase Workplace Productivity

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List of ways technology Can Increase Workplace Productivity